Flax seed is a super food that contains more essential fatty acids, high in Omega-3 and Omega-6 than any other food. It is the only fats that become “prostaglandins”, which play a key role in regulating the cardiovascular, immune, digestive and reproductive function.
It also contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, folate, lutein and anti-oxidants and all of the amino acids essential for human health.
To incorporate in your daily diet: 2 Table spoons of “Milled flax seed’ or “Organic” Flax seed oil
Prenatal testing is an integral part to maintain the health and wellbeing of your unborn baby and yourself. Routine blood and urine testing can determine the presence of anemia and if blood sugar metabolism is normal. Below is an explanation of the most common tests that are performed during a pregnancy
Chorionic villus sampling ( CVS) is a diagnostic test for identifying chromosome abnormalities and other inherited disorders and is usually performed between 10 and 13 weeks from your last menstrual period. CVS may be chosen over amniocentesis because it may be performed earlier in the pregnancy
Amniocentesis may be recommended by your health care provider following an abnormal triple test result and is usually performed between 14 and 20 weeks
MSAFP is a screening test that examines the level of alpha-fetoprotein in the mother's blood during pregnancy and usually performed during second trimester.
Glucose Challenge Screening & Glucose Tolerance Test. Pregnant women can develop a condition known as Gestational Diabetes (diabetes brought on by pregnancy) that can cause risk to both mother and baby.
The Glucose Challenge Screening is a preliminary screening test performed between 26-28 weeks. If a woman tests positive during this screening test, the second test, called the Glucose Tolerance Test, may be performed.
Ultrasound is a procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to scan a woman's abdomen and pelvic cavity, creating a picture (sonogram) of the baby and placenta, that may be performed at any point during pregnancy
Seeds of Health are planned before your baby is draws its first breath, and those first nine months in the womb determine the health of your baby for the rest of its life. Research indicates that women who suffer stress during pregnancy transmit their anxiety to the unborn child from as early as 17 weeks. The mother’s hormones and nutrients supplied through the placenta may significantly determine how a baby’s liver, heart, kidney’s, brain and mind will function during adult hood -“life in the womb” by Peter Nathanielsz of Cornell University
Brewer's yeast contains all the neccessary essential amino acids, 14 minerals, and 17 vitamins. It is one of the best natural sources of the B-complex vitamins i.e. thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, pantothenic acid, biotin and folic acid. It's also high in minerals, including chromium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, and selenium. and It contains approximately 16 g of protein per 30 g of powdered yeast.
Brewer's yeast is a good source of RNA an immune-enhancing nucleic acid that may help in the prevention of degenerative diseases and slowing the aging process
B12 is essential for your body's functioning and health. It aids in the formation of red blood cells, helps with metabolism, and maintains the central nervous system. The recommended daily allowance of vitamin B12 for adults is 2.4 micrograms per day
Probiotics i.e. "for life" for Vaginal Health and Immune system. Like the intestinal tract, the vagina is a finely balanced ecosystem. The dominant Lactobacilli strains normally make it too acidic for harmful microorganisms to survive. But the system can be thrown out of balance by a number of factors, including antibiotics, spermicides, and birth control pills. Probiotic treatment that restores the balance of microflora may be helpful for such common female urogenital problems as bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, and urinary tract infection.
MTHFR, along with other gene mutations and heredity factors, can present special problems in pregnancy and reproduction. This is not to say that if you have these mutations you should be alarmed; many women with MTHFR mutations have multiple successful pregnancies before they even find out that they have these mutations. But if you’re already aware of your genetic status, it would be highly beneficial to take special precautions to ensure a successful pregnancy and healthy baby.
MTHFR, which may affect up to 50-60% of the population - makes it difficult for your body to convert folic acid and folate into a usable form, called methylation. The MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) gene is critical to producing the MTHFR enzyme. This enzyme makes folate metabolism possible, In other words, it helps the body process folate, which is also known as vitamin B9.
Having MTHFR defect makes it more difficult for the body to detoxify, which is especially concerning during pregnancy, increasing the risk of folate-related pregnancy problems such as miscarriage, preeclampsi. low birth weight for the baby, as well as Thrombophilia (clotting disorder), Autism (80-85% are MTHFR), DD/ADHD behavioral issues, Allergies , spina bifida and neural tube defects.
That’s why it is so critical to know if you have the MTHFR mutation. Make sure to get tested and seek professional treatments to optimize your chances of having a successful pregnancy. It’s important to understand that gene mutations needs different prenatal supplements to solve underlyting nutritional problems.
Common Supplements to support MTHFR Pregnancy Include:
Methyl-folate (under the supervision of an mthfr practitioner) , Vitamin B12 - In certain forms that depend on your gene mutation (Avoid common B12 cyanocobalamin), Vitamin B6 (may need active forms), Folinic acid (avoid folic acid), Magnesium, Calcium. Iodine, Alphalipoic acid, Co Q10, Vitamin E, Phosphatidylcholine, Other minerals that are deficient according to your hair mineral analysis. Special Prenatal Blends For Women Wih MTHFR Mutatio: MTHFR Prenatal: Seeking Health, MTHFR Prenatal Thorne Research, MTHFR Prenatals: Zahler Prenatal + DHA, MTHFR Prenatals: Dr. Ron’s
Many Questions - Many Answers
No matter what, it's important to remain realistic, be flexible and keep an open mind if events stray from your chosen path. Ultimately, you want to be healthy and have a healthy baby
Choosing A Health Care Provider - Especially when planning a natural vaginal birth, there is much to consider, and it's very natural to feel overwhelmed. No matter whether you use a doctor or midwife, choose a practitioner who has experience in caring for women who want an un-medicated birth.
If your medical provider is part of a larger practice, make sure that all the members share a similar philosophy ,it is important that you are comfortable that your wishes will be honored if your chosen provider isn't available.
The Setting - It is important to know that a hospital setting is not your only option, many women deliver at a birthing center, or prefer a home-birth, which is common in most European countries.
Doulas- According to studies, the use of a professional doula not only reduced the requests for epidural anesthesia, it also cut the cesarean rates in half and shortens the length of labor. Whether or not to hire a doula is a personal choice and only you can decide what's right for you. The most important thing is ething to select someone whose philosophy of childbirth matches your own.
Childbirth Education - A childbirth class will not only give you great information on the stages of labor, breathing and pain relief techniques, it also gives you information on epidurals and cesarean sections if should you need them.
Additional support - Learn about support methods that support a healthy pregnancy and prepare you for a joyful birth experience. Explore the possibilities of Reflexology, acupuncture, and yoga.
Make A Birth Plan - A birth plan helps to effectively communicate your preferences for the birth of your baby with your practitioner, the staff who cares for you during labor and your birth team.
Vitamin A - 3 oz Liver 610DV, 1 raw Carrot 410DV, 1 Mango 160 DV, also Apricots, Asparagus, Broccoli, Cantaloupe, cherries, kale, peaches, peas, sweet potatoes, spinach, tomatoes
Bioflavonoid – Broccoli, Cabbage, green pepper, and parsley
Vitamin B6 – 1 cup fortified cereal 100DV, 1 medium baked Potato 35 DV, 1 Banana 34 DV, in addition eat Chicken, Fish, Kidney, Liver, Pork, Eggs, umilled rice, soybeans, Oats, Whole-wheat products, peanuts, walnuts
Vitamin C - 1 cup Red Bell pepper 211 DV, 2 Tbsp fresh parsely 110.8 DV, 2 cup Romaine lettuce 51.4 DV, 1 papaya 47.5 DV, in addition Asparagus, blackberries, cantaloupe, cauliflower, Chinese Kale, Kiwi fruit, Kohlrabi, Mangoes, mustard greens, oranges, raspberries, strawberries, red cabbage, tangerines, tomatoes.
Vitamin D - Needed for the absorption of calcium and magnesium and regulation of cycle. Immune system. 1 tbsp Cod Liver Oil 240DV, 31/2 oz cooked salmon 90 DV, 1 cup fortified non-fat milk 25DV, also fortified juice, eggs & butter
Vitamin E - 1 Tbsp Wheat germ Oil 100DV, 1oz Dry Roasted Almonds 40DV, 1 oz Sunflower seeds 30DV, also whole grains and uncooked nuts, especially fresh Wheat Germ is an excellent source for; Vitamin E, B-Complex, Protein . Also contains Zinc,
Calcium - 1 cup Yoghurt 42 DV, 3oz Sardines 32DV, Whole Milk 29DV, also Broccoli, kale, Collards.
Selenium deficiency is associated with impaired sperm production and motility and miscarriage, protects immune system, decrease free radical damage - 2 Brazil Nuts 1 OZ has 780 DV, Tuna 3 OZ has 95 DV, Beef 50DV, 1 Egg 20 DV, Rice 15 DV.
Zinc - 6 Oysters 513DV, 3 oz Beef Shanks 59DV, 1 oz Pork 28DV, 1 cup yoghurt 11 DV, In addition nuts, seeds, especially Pumpkin seeds (dairy products, whole grains, and brewers’ yeast
Include a good probiotic for gut health, boosting your good bacteria levels, you may ward off things like Group B Strep and thrush when breastfeeding. You may also help colonize your baby with the best bacteria possible, which can affect her health for the rest of her life.
*This information is for educational purposes and we recommend to discuss any changes in diet or lifestyle with a medical professional
Prenatal Reflexology
Integrates compassionate dialogue with remedial reflexology to set the stage for a positive transition into parenthood
Helps to decrease pregnancy related conditions such as anxiety, pains, gestational diabetes, and hypertension.
Supports the physicl and emotional health of your unborn child.
Promotes a natural un-edcated birth
Decreases the chance of postpartum depression
Prenatal Reflexology helps with the following conditions:
~ Fetal Health - Intrauterine Growth Restriction
~ Morning-sickness
~ Breech/posterior presentation
~ Back problems
~ Foot problems
~ Labor preparation
~ Pain relief
~ Anxiety - Stress reduction
~ Restore energy
~ Post- op healing
~ Lactation problems
~ Postpartum depression
Morning sickness - Ginger tea and salt crackers immediately when you wake up, wait about 15-20 minutes before you get up. During the Day, anything “Ginger”, ginger candy or ginger tea, ginger ale and ginger chews. Some women are greatly helped by wearing motion sickness bands.
Constipation - Dates and Dried Figs act as a natural laxative
Heartburn - At the first sign of heartburn try chewing a few almonds. Chew until they are compltely liquefied.
Prenatal Yoga and Swimming are a wonderful choice. because they promote stretching and focus on breathing, your most valuable asset in preparation for your baby' birth.
**Always consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program
Eat organic whole foods, organic dairy, wild caught fish and grass fed beef
Prenatal vitamins: Maintaining a healthy diet is not always realisically possible, therefore it's difficult to get all the nutrients for optimal prenatal health on a daily basis.
Not all prenatal supplements are equal. Many women who suffer from constipation or nausea while on conventional prenatal see a significant improvement when switching to a food based prenatal supplement. These contain the enzymes, phytonutrients, and other co-factors that make the vitamin most absorbable and add to the spectrum of nutrition. Many also include probiotics and herbal blends too.
Depending on which prenatal you might need to add extra:
VITAMIN D Your body needs vitamin D to maintain proper levels of calcium and phosphorus, which help build your baby's bones and teeth. he Linus Pauling Institute recommends all adults take 2,000 IU of supplemental vitamin D each day.
MAGNESIUM - Despite the wide availability of naturally occurring magnesium, the NIH notes that dietary surveys of Americans consistently found that magnesium intake was below the recommended amounts. You need a total of 350 mg.