Labor is not something that has to be endured. CRR™ provides the tools for a quicker and easier birth, experience first hand the power of Conditioned Response Reflexology. CRR™ is based on "Pavlov's theory”, conditioning people by incorporating "Effortless Diaphragmatic Breathing" and sound during the sessions, and 30 minutes of daily practice.
Although giving birth is one of the most natural processes in the world, many expectant mothers are anxious and often wait with fear at the prospect of hours in pain. CRR™ incorporates Reflexology, breathing and sound during a series of six pre-labor sessions that include some self-help techniques that condition a “reflex” action of very, very deep relaxation. Though you do feel pain, it helps her to “stay in the moment”, ensuring an easier and more enjoyable experience. Why not make birth a more enjoyable and beautiful experience with less pain and discomfort.
Walking in labor is a great way to help not only speed labor but make you more comfortable. It is also a great way to spend early labor. Some women will choose to walk through their neighborhoods, or even the mall on colder days. No matter where you choose to walk, even if it's simply the halls of the hospital, walking can help your pelvis move about more freely and help gravity assist your baby in moving down into your pelvis.
During the later stages of labor, you may not feel like walking during contractions. That is perfectly okay. Simply stop and assume a different position or use a standing position for the contractions. You can begin walking again as soon as you are able to do so.
Sitting can be a nice position for labor. It allows you to be fully upright and allows gravity to assist you in laboring. It also can help promote relaxation, by allowing you to rest. Many hospitas andbirth centers have chairs available for you to use in each labor and birth room. You can also sit on a ball.
You can also sit in a bed, or in a birth tub. If you only have access to a shower, consider sitting on a shower chair in the showeYou can use a birth ball, rocking, or toilet seat, sitting combines the force of gravity with muscle relaxation, facilitating with the labor progress.
These childbirth positions, which include the "crawl" and the "full moon", are beneficial for back labor, turning a posterior baby, and for birthing a large baby.
This position helps to open the pelvis and allows the baby to find its proper position. Squatting can be done with the help of your support partner, while holding on to a chair or squatting bar.
Lying on your side helps you to rest during a long labor. It promotes relaxation and minimizes extra muscular effort. This position is best used during the latter stages of labor, since gravity isn't able to speed the process.
The first symptom that comes to mind is the contractions. Contractions are the rhythmic tightening and relaxation of the uterine muscles that results in effacement and dilation of the cervix and the delivery of the baby. Basically, contractions feel like cramping, or a tightening sensation that waves across your abdomen.
This is the opening of the cervix. Cervical dilation is accompanied by effacement, which is the thinning of the cervix. General guidelines for cervical dilation: Early Labor: 0-3 centimeters, Active Labor: 4-7 centimeter, Transition: 8-10 centimeters, Complete: 10 centimeters.
“If you lay down, the baby will never come out.”
~Native American saying
Throughout your pregnancy your cervix has been tightly closed and protected by a plug of mucus. When the cervix effaces, the mucus plug is loosened and passes out of the vagina.
This passage of the mucus plug is called "show" or "bloody show." You may or may not notice when the mucus plug passes.
As the baby's head drops down into the pelvic region, it pushes against the cervix and causes the cervix to relax and thin out. Effacement is expressed in percentages, and you’ll be 100% effaced when you begin pushing.
Near the end of your pregnancy, you may feel the baby settling deeper into your pelvis. This is called lightening. The baby's new position may give your lungs more room to expand, making it easier to breathe. On the flip side, increased pressure on your bladder may send you to the bathroom more often.
Breaking Of Water
The bursting of the sac holding the amniotic fluid is a continuous trickle or gush of fluid from your vagina. This can occur from several hours before labor begins to any time during labor.
True Labor Versus False Labor
In the last several weeks of pregnancy, you may notice that your abdomen gets hard and then gets soft again. These irregular cramps are called Braxton-Hicks contractions, or false labor pains. They may occur more frequently when you are physically active. There are ways that might help you to tell the difference between true and false labor. One good way to determine this is to time the contractions. Time how long each cramping period lasts and the length of time in between each contraction. Keep a record for an hour. During true labor:
• The contractions last about 50-80 seconds
• They occur at regular intervals
• They don't go away when you move around
*Call your health care provider when contractions reach the level agreed upon.
A horizontal birth might be easier for the doctor, but it certainly is not the case for a women. The Vertical position is actually the most efficient way to facilitate birth,
Benefits of Epidurals:
~ Reduce exhaustion and provide rest during prolonged labor
~ Reduce discomfort during labor and other cooping mechanisms are no longer helping
~ Allows you to stay awake and provide effective pain relief during medial intervention
Disadvantages of Epidurals:
~ May cause a sudden drop in blood pressure, which might lead treatment with IV fluids, medications, and oxygen.
~ Epidurals have effect on a woman's pelvic floor muscles and often slow down labor. These muscles guide th baby's head so that it enters the birth canal in the best position, and when these muscles are not working, dystocia, or poor progress, may result, leading to the need for high forceps, or a caesarean section.
~ Epidural doubles a woman's chance of having a caesarean section.
~ Less common side effects are; accidental puncture of the Dura, or spinal cord coverings, which can cause a prolonged and sometimes severe headache, ongoing numb patches, and weakness and loss of sensation that can last up to 3 months
~ Studies suggest that epidurals interfere with the release of oxytocin, causing the letdown effect in breastfeeding and bonding between a mother and her baby.
What You Have To Know Abour Epidurals
Despite a woman’s best efforts to have a natural birth, complications that require medical attention (and transfer to a hospital if she started laboring at home) can arise. In these circumstances, I absolutely endorse to take advantage of whatever interventions may protect the health and safety of both the mother and baby.
According to the "Fear Tension Pain theory" of pain management, the fear (or stress) a woman experiences during labor causes her body to react in ways that increase the pain and prolong labor.
Planning and understanding the birthing process is the key to facilitate the birth of your baby.
GIVES you the tools to prepare you physically and emotionally
PROVIDES strategies for a natural and easy transition
EFFECTIVE as postpartum therapy, supports the healing process after C-section and Epidurals
EFFECTIVE for postpartum depression
Natural Strategies To Induce Labor
Those last few weeks before the birth of the baby are often stressful. The internal organs are compromised by the baby's growth and can be cause for all kind of physical discomfort. It is difficult to get comfortable, and the frequent need to urinate interrupts the ability sleep, quite frankly all you want is “to get it over with”, and once passed the due date, anxiety often takes over. Wouldn't it be simple, that upon confirmation of your pregnancy, the date and time of the baby's delivery can be scheduled? Hormones are at work; stress builds up often resulting in tears or irritability. This does not facilitate the process; as a matter of fact, it can interfere with the birthing process
After you have passed your due date, you might discuss with your doctor, midwife or doula some if these options to help the process.
Raspberry leaf tea during the last several weeks of the pregnancy helps to strengthen the uterus and there is some anecdotal research that indicates that it helps to make labor less painful.
Evening prImrose oil helps to soften the cervix by providing prostaglandins; this component aids with the ripening of the cervix and promotes contractions. Evening primrose oil can be taken internally near the end of the pregnancy, and can also be massaged directly onto the cervix if ripening is desired. Note: Evening primrose oil should not be taken until after 37 weeks of pregnancy
Blue and Black Cohosh have a particular effect on weak or irregular contractions. Blue cohosh is believed to make uterine contractions stronger, while black cohosh may regulate the contractions. Together, they work to make the contractions more effective.
Gravity and movement; It has been long known that supine position does not facilitate childbirth. Walk as much as possible once you are in labor. The gravitational advantage encourages the baby to descend into the birth canal, promoting a shorter and less painful labor.
Nipple stimulation; Massaging the nipples is another to induce contraction. This helps to release oxytocin (a natural form of picotin) Abstain from this method until you are fully dilated and in labor.
Sexual intercourse; It might be the last thing on your mind, but sexual intercourse during late pregnancy is on of the things to induce labor. Semen contains prostaglandins and stimulates contractions.
Bring Music - Calming music has been shown to decrease the need for pain medication in labor by 50%. In addition, music is a cue to the staff entering the space to slow down and quiet their energy.
Dim the lights - the darker the space and the less visual stimulation for the laboring mother, the safer she feels. Sleeping masks are highly effective.
Stay out of bed - According to the World Health Organization, Being upright and walking helps to reduce the duration of the first stage of labor. They are also likely to be in less need of epidural analgesia.
Trust your body - Women have been birthing since the beginning of time. Our ancestors embraced pain in labor and didn’t fear it. Fear is the enemy that can slow or stall your labor, and even make it more painful.
There are times when obstetrics intervention might be warranted. To get a better idea if the intervention that is offered is warranted, remember B R A N, a little acronym that stands for:
• What are the *B*enefits?
• What are the *R*isks?
• Are there *A*lternatives?
• Does it need to be done *N*ow
The role of your support person is to give you as much possible support and comfort throughout and after labor, and the best way to achieve this is by communicating your specific needs and expectations, as they can vary from women from women. Below some ideas that are helpful.
CHINA: Gifts before the birth are considered bad luck and It is the mother of the mom--to-be who is typically responsible for the new baby’s cloth and necessities. To speed up the birth, she usually starts a few weeks before the expected due date by sending some cloth, augmented three days after the baby is born with the rest of the wardrobe and things.
EGYPT: Seven days after baby arrives, Egyptian parents celebrate by naming the new baby. The baby and new mother usually receive jewelry and religious gifts .
GREECE: Several days after birth, a newborn may receive customary gifts from her family and friends, including silver and gold coins or special stones to help ward off the “evil eye.”
JAPAN: After leaving the hospital, mother and baby often stay at the mother's parents' home for a month or sometimes longer. During this time friends may drop by to greet the new baby and join the family in eating the celebratory food osekihan (red rice with red beans). Although very close family members may get to welcome a new baby and be present at the naming ceremony seven days after birth.
HOLLAND: The unique Dutch system provides kraamhulp (maternity home care) and for seven days this help provides medical care, cleans the apartment, cooks and instructs basic parenting skills. She also manages the flow of visitors and makes the traditional snack to celebrate a birth: beschuit met muisjes, which literally translates as "biscuits with mice." The "mice" are actually miniature licorice bits with blue-and-white coating for boys, pink-and-white for girls.
TIBET: Three to four days after birth, family members from near and far gather to celebrate the cleansing of the baby, Gifts of food and clothing are presented to signify wishes for an abundant life; the child is then given a name by the most respected person in attendance.
BRAZIL: Pregnant Rwomen are treated like princesses -- for example, they are ushered to the front of any line so they don't have to wait. Once mother and baby leave the hospital, visitors flock to their home. They give a gift to the baby and receive one in return. Traditionally, it's something small, such as a bottle of perfume or candy, with a message from the baby attached thanking friends and family for the visit.
Did you know that Baby showers are a typical American rite of passage for first time moms-to-be? Other cultures other traditions and ideas. Here are some traditions of other countries: