The Natural Alternative for Reproductive Health



A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that a number if environmental and dietary factors for the rising fertility rates. The use of low-cost ingredients that mimic the properties of natural ingredients have shown to cause severe health problems. Meat, poultry and dairy products are commonly supplemented with hormones to increase their milk and egg production and promote weight gain, and antibiotics are given to healthy animals to compensate for unsanitary, crowded conditions.


We live in an estrogen-rich environment. Pesticides, plastics, petrochemical byproducts and other synthetic estrogens and estrogen imitators fill our world. Add to this the excess of hormones and hormone-like compounds we consume in everyday food, and it is no wonder that there is an estrogen overload resting on top of humankind. This estrogen dominance can affect ovulation in women and lower sperm count, sperm viability and the amount of seminal fluid produced in men.

Some experts also believe that uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and infections of the reproductive organs - all that can impact fertility - are often the result of estrogen overload. Precocious Puberty is another problem indicative of this accumulation of estrogen. Girls as young as 6, 7 and 8 are growing breasts and having their first period, while boys of 10 who are growing breasts is becoming the "new normal"


Words matter! Terminology has a powerful impact on our emotions. By definition, the word "infertility" has a negative connotation, that invokes a similar emotional state of mind. "Missed conceptions" is a much more appropriate term.


There is quite a gap between the quantitative relation of the present-day fertility rate and that of the first 25 years after WWII. "Surprise babies" of women over 40, 45, and even 50 were not out of the ordinary. On a personal level, I know a few women who had babies after the age of 40. My grandmother was 48 years old when she delivered her last child, fifteen years after her previous baby.  A close personal friend gave birth to her first baby at 42, while one of my clients was surprised to find herself pregnant again at age 46, after her two oldest daughters just had left home. Actually, during the sixties and seventies, I knew more women for whom fertility presented a predicament, than women who had fertility problems. We searched for methods to curb our prolificacy, and welcomed the birth control pill


After WWII, nutrition, hygiene and medicine had nurtured a healthy population with healthy babies. The percentage of people doing physical work was much higher than now, and most physical activity was derived from normal daily activities. Most people lived close enough to walk or bicycle to work, and children walked to school. Women had a daily physical workout with cleaning and cooking, while people ate (guess what?) "organic, whole food"" that was in season.


Sure, there was stress, but it was stress as intended, i.e. to rise to the challenge and prepare for a tough situation. Social interaction was direct and personal. Families cried, laughed and ate together (often all three meals) during which they interacted and share their joy and pain. They also lived close together, which gave access to immediate support. Nowadays, such supporting structure is rare.

Although there were some couples that were unable to conceive, it had certainly not reached its current epidemical proportions. Most women got married before the age of 25, which was at the peak of their reproductive years. Times and life was much less complicated. The world has changed.

The average cost of IVF is $ 15.000 per try with an average success rate of only 25%, which drops as low as 9% if the woman is over 40



A cost effective alternative for ART for most fertility problems

A philosophy behind a dynamic multi-disciplinary  therapy that confronts the cause instead of the effect

Integrates reflexology, nutrition, body and mind strategies, ancient forgotten wisdoms and cutting edge research.

Provides a safe environment with compassionate dialogue and continuing emotional support.

Empowers women with psycho-physical wisdom and self-awareness skills.

Helps to break the cycle  of self limiting negative beliefs and restores faith in the ability of one's own body.

Helped many women to avoid invasive medical procedures and complete a healthy pregnancy naturally.

* RAF can't guarantee that a pregnancy will occur any more than IVF or IUI. However, for many couples it has been an successful, safe and cost effective therapy without any toll to their physical and emotional health.

That ovulatory problems are the leading cause for female infertility that can be reversed and managed with stress reduction


Missed conceptions, failed IVF cycles and miscarriages are lonely experiences that are difficult to share, especially with family and friends. After an infertility battle, the loss of pregnancy feels like failure, and having heard the heartbeat or seen the sonogram of that new beginning magnifies the pain.

It affects how you think, how your view yourself and how you see the world

Nonstop pressure and chronic stress can have a significant effect on fertility, and prevent some men and women from getting pregnant

Dr. Sara Berga, of the Emory University School of Medicin has studied the impact of stress on fertility for years. She says that while humans are designed to deal with a certain amount of stress, chronic stress may prevent women from ovulating. You can't fool the brain.

If you are under-eating, overworking and over exercising, the hypothalamus is keeping a running tally of what you're doing. Even though you can say to yourself "I am not stressed", your hypothalamus may come up with a different answer.  

"A Small Degree Of Hope

Is Sufficient To Cause The Birth Of Love

~ Stendhal